Tuesday, November 24, 2009

the Bumbo Backflip . .

Upon the approach of the new year I've decided to spend more time updating our blog with more short stories. It will be nice to put some of these moments on hold and to look back. . This week we have been spending time at my parents for Thanksgiving. A few new things to note. Owen's first tooth has sprouted and the second one is one the way! He's 4 days away from being 6 months old.

If the word Bumbo isn't in your everyday vocabulary then chances are you're not a parent to a small child. Like others, I rely a great deal on my bumbo. Its lightwieght, waterproof, teaches the baby to sit up and the wide base keeps a wiggle worm from wiggling out. The bumbo has done a great job at adequately containing my child to a safe sitting position for an extended amount of time. However, the once blessed relief i gave to the bumbo is no longer a go to method of 'safe sitting.' Owen has demonstrated at his grandmas that the Bumbo can't hold him down and yes, he finally escaped his by a backflip. I haven't heard of a baby being able to do this so I was pretty surprised when i heard then caught with my eyes his head followed by his body tumble out onto my parents living room table. When he grows out of something else, I hope its not as dramatic.

I must add that he was not throwing a tantrum. Just casual acrobatics.

1 Comment:

  1. Tiffany said...
    Bumbo is not a part of my vocabulary, I didn't even know what it was, but now I do! What a chunk! I'm glad you'll be adding more stories to your blog! You won't be sorry!

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