Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Inside my Kitchen...

Considering a college budget, time constraints and my apetite for wholesome food I have turned to a forgotten friend. Shes the quiet hardworking type. You've probably shared one similiar. For too long i've neglected her skills and talent. But now is the time to dust her off and rekindle the magic. I chop up the veggies. turn her on and go about my day. 8 hours later, On our way home i can smell her creations when the door opens. Every meal she renders is a masterpiece in large batches that is enjoyed all week long. I come up with the ideas and she makes it happen. Blog readers I'm pleased to introduce you to . .. . . . somilia (sew-me-lee-yah) my slow cooker.

Most of you know i'm constatntly giving items away and picking (all kinds of) things up on www.freecycle.org Well this is how I adopted Somilia. And I'm happy I did! Right now shes brewing up an old favorite of mine. mom's chicken noodle soup (with lots of egg noodles)

But my next venture will be to turn dried chickpeas into yummy hummus! I've put together the best recipes I could find to pack in the most flavor with the quickness! *quick always being the key word right now
I bought a bag of dried garbanzo/chickpeas from the store. I'm soaking the beans overnight. In the morning I'll give them to somilia with water for 6 hours. . All thats left is to strain em then mash and mix with lemon juice, salt, olive oil, jalepenos and onion. Can't wait!


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